Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year....

It's the 'New Year', and everyone is making New Year goals, like Braden, who is doing a 365 + 1 picture project... Unfortunately, I have NO IDEA what on earth I'm going to start.... I could try to read 100 books this year, but I did that last year...
So, if any of my blog readers (which I fear aren't anymore than 1 or 2) have any ideas on what I should do, please let me know...

I recently developed a new respect for coffee in things, like chocolate mocha, while drinking a Ghirardelli mocha mix that no one else was brave enough to try. So, it was like 60% coffee, and 40% chocolate, and other things that one might put in a mocha mix. So, after drinking the stuff every morning for 3 weeks, while using less and less Swiss Mix hot chocolate mix, I finally started drinking it plain, and after that, I got used to the flavor.. Go coffee...

Also, for all of you that know I play the mandolin, you also know that I mostly play Medieval music. And I just recently ordered a NEW Scottish Mandolin Music book off of www.guitarandlute.com!!! I can't wait to get it and play until I pass out... Here is a picture of the front of the book:

Allan & Aleksandra Alexander, have some of THE BEST MANDOLIN MUSIC EVER!!!

Aside from that, I will try to get a new mandolin eventually, because my "Rouge A-100 A-Style Beginner's Mandolin", needs to retire, and take a LONG vacation to the landfill...

And that is what it looks like... Not the prettiest thing in the world, but it works...

Here is a picture of the one I would like to get:

And this is what it sounds like:

Also, I received the "Star Trek the movie" Soundtrack from Kieran and her husband Richard!!!
It's one of the BEST soundtracks Michael Giacchino has ever done. Also, I had no idea my Mom had 10 Star Trek books, and she let me read them, and a lot of the short-stories are very good! (Like "The Last Gun Fight" and "The Trouble With Tribbles") and reading the books while listening to the soundtrack is very good! (Especially if you have it on shuffle.)

I love epic music, such as the Russian National Anthem, (even though I don't care to much for Russia), and Star Wars and Star Trek have very good music as well. And I also happen to like "Space Music". (Which includes stuff like the Star Trek movie soundtrack, and other space Sci-Fi movie soundtracks)

So, all that being said, I'm going to sign off.

Happy New Year!!!
(Scotty, beam me up!)
~ Timothy Smith